First Year Council

What is First Year Council?

First Year Council (or FYC) is a year-long social and professional development experience built for freshmen and first-year transfer students at Mizzou. The program aims to equip first year students with important peer leadership skills and professional collaboration experience that they can share across campus as members continue their MU careers after FYC.

What Does FYC Do?

As a program under the Missouri Students Association, FYC members work with administrators and student leaders to enact change on campus and learn more about supporting the MU community through service and leadership.

In your first semester, you will get a chance to learn more about campus resources and programs that impact your fellow students. These areas of interest are student selected, and administrators are later invited to provide more in-depth information about the resources they oversee. FYC members are encouraged to ask questions about how to improve these campus resources for the betterment of the student body.

In your second semester, FYC members are expected to develop a project that tackles tangible improvements to these campus resources with support from other student organizations and administrators/faculty.

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Why Should I Apply for FYC?

As an FYC member, you’ll get to experience Mizzou in a way other first-year students don’t. We can’t give too much away, but FYC offers unique events and experiences you can’t find anywhere else! These may include special behind-the-scenes campus tours, an opportunity to meet the President of the University system, and more!

First Year Council