Missouri Students Association - 63rd Session

The Legislative Branch

What is the Legislative Branch?

The Legislative Branch of the Missouri Students Association, more commonly known as the MSA Senate, is the policy-creating entity within our student government. Led by the Speaker of the Senate, MSA Senate consists of 80 student students from different academic programs and organizations on campus and works to create collaborative and innovative student policies. Together, we create a vision for what students need at the University of Missouri!

Meet the Team

Student Advocacy

Senators collaborate in drafting resolutions about emerging student concerns and priorities, which are presented to campus leaders and university administration. All resolutions are filled with the Office of the Speaker of the Senate; assigned to one of the following committees: Academic Affairs, Internal Affairs, External Affairs, Social Justice, and Campus Affairs; and then debated in Full Senate.

Explore our Legislation

Funding Allocations

MSA is supported by a student fee allocation that all undergraduate students pay towards, each semester. With that funding, we help create student services and programs, like Tiger Pantry and Flow @ Mizzou Period Products. In addition to our programming, MSA helps our peer organizations and programs accomplish their goals by providing funding support. If you are interested in receiving an MSA sponsorship, please use the link to learn more about the process.

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Rules and Procedure

One of the chief responsibilities of the Senate is establishing the governing documents, or rules and procedures, for the Association. Creating an inclusive and accessible student environment requires a healthy and functional organization, which starts with the rules!

Find our Governing Documents

Let's Explore the Legislative Branch

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How Does The Legislative Branch Operate?

The Legislative Branch is comprised of five Legislative Committees — Academic Affairs, Internal Affairs, External Affairs, Social Justice Affairs, and Campus Affairs, which all meet with campus leaders, administration, and programs to advocate for students across the University. All of these committees are comprise of active Senators and students, who work under the support of a dedicate chair to create projects and legislation. Every other week, the entire Association meets, at a Full Senate Meeting to discuss ongoing projects and debate legislation.

After the Association reaches a majority consensus, the office of the Speaker of the Senate brings the student concerns to campus leaders and departments and works to create effective and impactful solutions. Throughout the process, we relay on the passion and dedication of peers and staff at the University of Missouri to help create to best campus possible.

Explore the Engage Page

The Legislative Branch